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Tuesday 28 July


Wonderful things sometimes happen on earth, and God is gracious to work miracles amongst us in ways we sometimes see and sometimes do not see.  He also uses His angels to care for us and look after us within the turmoil of this world, which again, we do not always understand.  As you pray today, remain conscious of God’s Almighty hand at work for your protection and guidance.

Speak to me O Lord, and inspire my heart to greater things.  Help me to look higher and further than my spiritual eyes would normally see, grant me a heart to see where You are already at work in this world of Yours, and give me the patience to wait for the releasing of Your Spirit.  So may I accept Your greater call on my life and aspire to nothing less than the Kingdom of God which You, Lord Jesus, have made real on earth.  AMEN

There is something indescribable in all music;

It has the power to deeply move the human soul,

And minister to feelings, spirit, mood, and heart.

There is something inexpressible in rainbow colours;

The same thing can be lit in a million different ways

In the ever-changing patterns of light all around us!

There is something indefinable about food’s flavour;

A beautifully prepared dish delights so many senses,

Uncovering emotions, passions, and even memories.

There is something essential about grace and faith,

For the human soul falls short in its true potential

Without contact found, spirit to Spirit, with its Creator.

So dance with all the senses, as led by the Creator;

Hear the heavenly music! see the sights of glory!

And taste the heavenly banquet of God’s eternal feast!


NEXT  Go to Bible study:

Hebrews 1:5-14