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Tuesday 24 March


Pray about how much food you eat; is it too little or too much?  God will know and have an opinion!  Seek His wisdom.

How can we praise You enough, Lord God?

We are amazed at Your love and forgiveness;

We are overwhelmed by Your Spirit’s help;

We are astounded by Your sure promises;

We are blown away by beauty of Your Kingdom!

We worship You:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit:


Pray for those whose lives are dominated by the extreme demands of sporting achievement. Pray for young people encouraged to pursue their gifts; pray about the obscene amounts of money that change hands in sporting contracts; pray for any you know, especially any Christians in sport.

The Saviour does all this:

     For He loves the people He has made.

He heals the heart,

     And releases the soul to claim its liberty.

He heals the body

     And breaks the bondages of oppression.

He speaks into the mind

     And liberates imagination and intelligence.

He speaks to the soul

     And removes the barriers to human potential.

He guides all our actions

     And opens the concealed avenues of fulfilment.

He guides our feelings,

     And cherishes the possibilities of genuine love.

This is what the Saviour does

     He does not condemn, but He brings salvation!


NEXT  Go to Bible study:

1 Thessalonians 4:9-12