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          -  Learning in Faith and Experience

© 2014 - Copyright Paul H Ashby - all rights reserved    A venture of Littleover Methodist Church Derby  -  office@lmclife.org.uk  -  Tel: 01332 365045

This website contains the same devotional material as previously found at www.prayerandbiblestudy.org

follow Jesus     learn faith        worship God           love others

CURRENT NEWS   LiFE is a programme for Christian discipleship, offering devotions and courses for all who want to explore their faith. Anyone can use the devotions (see above), but the courses are currently based at Littleover Methodist Church Derby, UK.


Prospectus  -   a description of all the courses

‘Old Testament’  -  apply NOW for this course - autumn 2015

Students  -  information for students on courses

Look out for news about course development and dates

Devotions Enabling personal encounter with God

Devotions  -  use the daily devotions

Courses Embracing Christian Faith with vigour